The Faculty of Arts and Communication and the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Holguin, Cuba invite you to participate in the XIXth International Congress on Foreign Languages, Communication and Culture, wefla2025, and in the XIXth International Seminar on Canadian Studies, secan2025, to be held in person and online, April 23 to 25, 2025 at Brisas-Guardalavaca Hotel, with pre- and post-conference workshops, April 22 and April 28 at the University campus.

For more than a quarter of a century wefla-secan continues to offer an academic-family space for the exchange of experiences and international cooperation on new ways of providing quality education in the fields of language pedagogy, applied linguistics, art and culture, communication for development, as well as in Canadian studies.

The topics included in this call (but not restricted to) are:


                                   This time the seminar is dedicated to celebrating:                                   


OFFICIAL LANGUAGES: Spanish, English and French (Proposals should be submitted in the language in which they will be presented. Interpretation from Spanish to English will only be provided during plenary sessions).

Screenshot_2024_12_08_at_10.21.29_PM.pngCALL FOR PROPOSALS

The Academic Committee invites academics, researchers, and graduate and undergrad students to send their proposals to present keynote lectures (30-40 minutes), papers (15 minutes), panels, round tables and workshops (45-60 minutes), and posters.  Proposals for pre- and post-conference courses or workshops are also welcome (4hrs-8hrs).



All proposals must follow this format in order to be included in the Academic Program.

• Abstract up to 350 words (in Spanish, English, or French).  Keywords (3-5).

• Letter size, Arial font at 11 points, justified text, no spacing and single line spacing, all margins at 2.54 cm.

• Title: capital letters held and justified (up to 15 words) written in the language of presentation.

• Authors (up to three): Name(s) and Surname(s) / affiliation and country/e-mail of each of the authors. The main or corresponding author must be the first.

• Bibliographic References: APA 7 format, in order of appearance and only authors cited in the text (this section is not included within the 900 words). 


*Those presenting virtually must send a video (3-5 minutes) with the main ideas of their proposal. The moderator will play the video asynchronously if necessary.

*All participants will be sent the link to join the event one week before the start of the event.


Early birds receive a discount on your registration fee if you pay before February 23, 2025.



VENUE:  To participate in the conference sessions that will be held at Brisas Guardalavaca Hotel,  it is mandatory to be registered as a guest in the same hotel. Hotels in the area are All Inclusive Resorts, and they now enforce the policy that no one without wearing the hotel bracelet that identifies its guests is allowed to be in its premises. In addition, please note that staying at Las Brisas with the rest of the participants will enable more opportunities to exchange ideas in a friendly and more open atmosphere AND allow for more Cuban colleagues to attend the conference. Your understanding and cooperation will be appreciated. 


To pay your registration fee securely,  Cubans should contact 

Luis Ernesto Paneque Azhares,                                                                 

Phone: +53 50964907

Contact for foreign participants:  Karina Sanchez Portelles

Commercial Specialist of Paradiso Cultural Tourism,

Phone: +53 24423518

***All participants must register before having access to the Congress rooms.

For more information, please get in touch with Vilma Páez Pérez, President of the Organizing Committee     



Vilma Páez Pérez, University of Holguin, Cuba

Jeff Tennant, Western University, Ontario, Canada

Monika Jezak, OLBI, University of Ottawa, Canada

Rafael Saldivar Arreola, Autonomous University of Baja California, Mexico

Julio César Rodríguez Peña, University of Holguin, Cuba

Ramón Betancourt Campaña, University of Holguin, Cuba

Louise Lafortune, University of Québec in Trois Rivières, Canada 

Frank Tough, University of Alberta, Canada 

Roxanne Rimstead, University of Sherbrooke, Canada 

Dairo Moreno, Director of Civitas Global Educational Services, USA

Rosabel González Cruz, University of Holguin, Cuba

Yunelsys Hechavarría Creach, University of Holguin, Cuba

Yaquelín Cruz Palacios, University of Holguin, Cuba

Michiya Kawai, Huron University, Canada

David Guadalupe Toledo Sarracino, Autonomous University of Baja California, Mexico

Hortensia Cruz López, University of Holguin, Cuba

Rafael Rodríguez Devesa, University of Holguin, Cuba

Elianis Páez Concepción, University of Holguin, Cuba/ Western University, Canada

Salvador Escalante Batista, University of Medical Sciences of Holguin, Cuba

Paul Sarmiento Blanco, University of Holguin, Cuba

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